Officially on sale now . . . 

Can Everybody Swim? Takes 2018 IPPY Bronze for Cover Design


Congratulations to author Bruce S. Snow and cover designer Amy Ashford . . . Et Alia Press takes BRONZE for cover design in the 2018 Independent Publisher Book Awards! What an absolute thrill to have our very small press with an incredibly hard-working team recognized alongside some of the biggest names in independent publishing. 

The awards ceremony takes place on May 29 at the Copacabana Club in New York's Times Square. 


Congratulations to Dr. Lisa Sanders: Netflix to Launch Docuseries based on "Diagnosis"

Congratulations to Dr. Lisa Sanders, whose popular New York Times "Diagnosis" column will become a docuseries on Netflix! Fans may also recognize her as the doc behind House MD.

Flip to the back cover of Scars: An Anthology by Erin Wood (Et Alia Press, 2015), and you'll find this blurb from Dr. Sanders:

"If scars are the memory of pain, then this volume is a body of those memories recollected as stories--stories as compelling, as vivid, as dramatic as the thing, the scar, itself."

Lisa Sanders.PNG

Neglected Histories of Arkansas Contest Short List Announced

THANK YOU for submitting! 

We were thrilled by the quality of work submitted and thank you for the opportunity to view your submissions. The following artists, photographers, and writers have been shortlisted (in alpha order). 



Chelsey Becker

Meikel Church

Brandon Markin

Joanne Meeks

Maxine Payne

Laura Raborn

Jeannie Fowler Rodriguez Stone

Matt White



Megan Blankenship

Wendy Carlisle

Kristi Costello

Brody Craig

Saira Khan

Dixie Kline

Ed Madden

Bethany May

Dennison Schultz


**Final decisions will be announced by or before mid-March**

Congratulations to Bruce S. Snow for a Tremendous Review in Arkansas Review

Thank you to Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Studies and reviewer Stan Weeber for an outstanding review of Bruce S. Snow's Can Everybody Swim? A Survival Story from Katrina's Superdome

"Legendary sociologist Kai T. Erickson predicted that Hurricane Katrina would be the most studied disaster in U.S. history. It may also be one of the most storied. Voluminous archives of Katrina survivor stories are now tucked away in university libraries, oral history projects, social media sites, and in films, books, newspapers, journals, and magazines worldwide for historians to peruse. Standing tall above these documented accounts is Bruce Snow’s Can Everybody Swim? which could someday gain fame as the most richly detailed and complete account of the human misery at the Louisiana Superdome in late August and early September 2005."  ~ Stan Weeber, Arkansas Review 48.3 (December 2017). 



Congratulations, Bruce! We are humbled and grateful that you chose Et Alia as your publisher. 

Something Different for Valentine's Day!

Can we truly love others if we don't first love ourselves? Self-love and development of self are life-long processes, and we need help! The Mud & The Lotus: A Workbook and Guide for Students of Yoga by Courtney Denise Butler is a ready resource that can help you prime many areas of your life, whether or not you are taking a step toward teacher training or simply want to deepen your practice. Teacher training costs thousands, but Butler packs life-changing knowledge into a book that costs only about $35. 

Order The Mud & The Lotus before Valentine’s Day and get a jumbo sample class card ($6) free. 

You’ll discover perspective-changing reading, such as a look at the 8 limbs of yoga and how they apply to your life. Fitting as we enter Valentine season, is considering the Yama (Limb 1) of Aparigraha, or Non-Attachment:

Some attachments are necessary, of course, as we are attached to our own family members and those we love. We need certain things in our lives like food, clothing, and shelter. However, do we place an emphasis on having things a certain way or do we know we are important and worthy without ‘things’? ... that we can go on in spite of loss? ... these are great questions to ask oneself: Am I doing this because of my fear of unworthiness? Do I feel I need to be a certain type of person to receive love? If I didn’t have this or that (clothes, car, man or woman, status, etc.), would I feel whole?” ~Courtney Denise Butler


My furry Valentine, sweet fuzzy Valentine . . . Order Home Sweet Home:  Arkansas Rescue Dogs & Their Stories by Grace Vest through Friday 2/9 and it will be mailed or hand-delivered with a handmade Valentine like those shown here, featuring one of the rescues from the book captured by photographer Whitney Bower. Also, $1 of every purchase through Friday will be donated to Rock City Rescue. Now that’s puppy love! 

butler to speak at texas yoga conference

Texas Yoga Conference.PNG

Congratulations to The Mud & The Lotus author Courtney Butler, who has been invited to present at the Texas Yoga Conference in Houston this April. Butler will speak about the therapeutic benefits of yoga for heart and cancer patients. 

Butler was one of the first yoga therapists to be recognized by the International Association of Yoga Therapists as a Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), and has been providing private yoga therapy for more than a decade. She is also a therapist with the Dr. Dean Ornish Reversal Program, which is the first program scientifically proven to “undo” (reverse) heart disease by optimizing four important areas of your life:



We look forward to celebrating the successes of this conference!