PHILIP MARTIN: "A dog is something like an angel . . ."

In his column yesterday, Philip Martin wrote of dogs:

"I know how dear and fine these creatures are, and how vulnerable. While anthropomorphising is incorrect, dogs do have a psychology. They have motives and emotional insight and are capable of remorse and empathy. They are not like us. For all I know a dog's brain may be a blameless swamp of light and shadow, but they possess more than the suggestion of a soul. A dog is something like an angel, a being composed largely of love, designed to help us cope with this rough life."

Read the rest of his piece, sharing some of the stories from Home Sweet Home: Arkansas Rescue Dogs & Their Stories, at Arkansas Online

We are proud to have Philip Martin in our family of Et Alia authors. In his collection of poems, songs, and journalism, The President Next Door, you'll discover more about his life with dogs as he shares contemplations about a beloved dog's seizures, the plight of animals during Hurricane Katrina, and the deep and abiding joys of canine companionship.